
Wednesday, May 20, 2015


In December 2014, a few weeks before Christmas, Dr. Holly Barnard gave me results from her tests with Jimmy and the results were that he is on the Autism Spectrum. Not too sure how I feel about that diagnosis and whether it is accurate. Jimmy's school was happy to hear it because to start with, before the doctor's diagnosis they had already gave him the ASD label. I have since found out that the school gets $11,000 per year per autistic child. Now I wonder if it was a mistake to let the Doctor and Teacher talk.

I have a therapist friend (she has worked with Jimmy) who has always said that she didn't think Jimmy was ASD, she thinks he has a Sensory Processing Disorder, which none of the doctors have ever considered. With that being said, I basically gave the school full disclosure with the doctors and the school could direct them in which ever way the wanted. I have since revoked permission for the school to talk to the doctors.

I can't believe my sweet boy turned 11 last week!!!! For his birthday we wanted a very hard to find Legos set Monster Fighters Train. I did find it for him and he was very happy!

He absolutely LOVES YouTube and I've had to ban him from it, because he repeats what he hears and sometimes it's not nice!